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Blooming Beautiful

Russley Village

A meander through the Russley Village grounds is enough time to very quickly establish that this is a special place, and its gardens are something to cherish and celebrate. 

The Fendalton Waimairi Harewood Community Board and the Christchurch Beautifying Association certainly agree, bestowing the village’s very deserving gardens with the 2018 Community Pride Garden Award.  In their 28th year, the awards are a Council initiative established in 1991. They encourage civic pride and acknowledge those who have contributed to maintaining the image of Christchurch as the Garden City by beautifying their streets and gardens.

Awarded by Fendalton Waimairi Harewood Community Board Chair, David Cartwright, and the Christchurch Beautifying Association President, Ron Andrew, the accolade is yet another glowing endorsement of the polished landscaping and aesthetic of the village’s gardens.  “We also received an award in the Rest Homes and Retirement Villages section,” Russley Village Manager Wayne Thompson says with a smile.  “We are so proud to win the awards as it is a reflection of the dedication of our two gardeners who have eight acres to look after.

A number of residents still do their own garden which is wonderful and an important contribution, but the final look is our gardeners’ touch. They have 1000 roses to prune in July/August this year!”.  The village is now looking forward to the Spring competition and making plans for this. Watch this space!


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